Our second meeting of the 2014-15 school year was on
The Boxcar Children #31: The Mystery of the Singing Ghost. A couple of the girls were a little scared to read it, but after being assured that there was no ghost and it was very Scooby Doo whodunit style, they went for it. This book was a hit. All the girls gave it a thumbs up which is rare for the Girls With Opinions. Many thought it was a real page turner. They had a lot of ideas about the characters motivations, as well as some interesting ideas on how they might change the book.
We used our
general discussion questions to help guide the discussion. Our fabulous 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Graeve, gave us a sheet of question stems that we also used to guide the discussion.
The weather in Houston cooperated beautifully with a cool Fall evening that fit perfectly with the host mama's plans for a fire. The girls roasted hot dogs on the fire for dinner during our discussion. Host mama had a spread of veggies, snacks, and hot dogs as well as some fun blinking ghost rings for the girls to wear.
Roasting hot dogs |
We all had a great time! Next month, we are going back to our Mamas With Opinions roots with Ramona Quimby, Age 8. A classic!
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